Saving Tips
Intelligent Heating Apps
November 8, 2017
Have you found yourself overspending on heating through past winters? Feel as though you’re needlessly heating up multiple rooms and wasting energy? Well, this winter doesn’t have to be the same.
There are now intelligent heating apps available, which allow you to manage the heating for each individual room. Evohome, made by the International heating company, Honeywell, claim they can save families up to 40 per cent. Zones [per room] can be created by attaching a small device to a radiator which communications to the central hub.
Although Evohome comes with a touchscreen pad, users can also download the app, allowing them to control their heating whilst they are out and about.
There are options out there, too. Nest, for example, has been created by ex-Apple employees. The Nest application, tracks heating habits, such as a lie-in on a Saturday morning, and the time which you get home from work Monday to Friday. Nest also connects to the Wifi but means it tracks the weather and acts accordingly.
Then there is Tado, who use a cloud-based heating app, allowing you to heat your home from your smartphone. Like Evohome, you can control individual zones via smart radiator thermostats. What’s interesting about Tado, is that it tracks your mobile device’s location, allowing it to understand when you have left the house, and when you will be returning. Uses can pre-set the temperature for each room, for their return.
There are other options out there, and it is about finding an intelligent heating system that works best for you and your family. Although these systems do come with a cost, they can save you money in the long run, with some heating apps claiming 40% savings.